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在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩是什么歌,But U歌曲介绍

在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩是什么歌,But U歌曲介绍:脱口而出油腻的话,不知道是被谁教坏,在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩,I see nobody but U,I called it something right,最近抖音上这首歌特别的火,很多抖友的视频……365运势网(小编为你整理了本篇文章,希望能解你之惑!





“脱口而出油腻的话,不知道是被谁教坏,在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩,I see nobody but U,I called it something right”,最近抖音上这首歌特别的火,很多抖友的视频bgm都是用的这首歌曲,那么这首歌是什么呢?下面就一起跟着走红网小编来看看吧。

这首歌的歌名叫做《But U》,是由NINEONE#作词作曲并演唱的一首歌曲,歌曲发行于2023年7月1日。


But U歌词:

Whenever I take U into my lifeIt's never too late to give U all my passionWe call it something different something wrong and something rightWoo你不惧以前意外难料难避免我许不了你承诺但许你做我底限傍晚落日的泛红柔焦在瞳孔躺的陶白一切都靠你眼神猜Loewe paula's Ibiza 的味道likeI see nobody but UI call it something rightI feel nobody but UAround the coastline and we runI see nobody but UI call it something wrongI feel nobody but U but U but U woooThings may be bad可我记得你的笑容曝光过度的胶片有你也不用挑选只想把时光都和你消遣呐I can't sleep all nightArgue with U只为了交代真实想法U know I want ya距离只是当下最烂的谎话夏日限定般的告白你总怀疑我的心里是不是会超载脱口而出油腻的话不知道是被谁教坏在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩I see nobody but UI called it something rightI feel nobody but UAround the coastline and we runI see nobody but UI called it something wrongI feel nobody but U but U but U woooI see nobody but UI call it something rightI feel nobody but UAround the coastline and we runI see nobody but UI call it something wrongI feel nobody but U but U but U woooDon't U realize thatDon't U realize thatDon't U realize thatDon't U realizeDon't U realize thatDon't U realize thatDon't U realize thatDon't U realizeI see nobody but UI called it something rightI feel nobody but UAround the coastline and we runI see nobody but UI called it something wrongI feel nobody but U but U but UI see nobody but UI called it something rightI see nobody but UI called it something wrongI feel nobody but U but U but U



上面就是关于在我身边你可以放心做一个小孩是什么歌,But U歌曲介绍的阐释,感谢您的阅读,查八字命格免费、查八字五行缺什么、免费算命2021年运程、生辰八字取名字、免费起名、生辰八字算命婚姻配对等更多传统国学《周易》经典内容,请记住本站:365运势网,或在网上直接搜索365运势网

